Saturday, August 4, 2012

Blogging in Kansas

Yesterday ended our classes.  The teaching wasn't very intense.  The bulk of it was some more church planting tips and strategies from Georges.  It was a great time of fellowship with everyone there.  Around 4 pm we went to the mountains to have our graduation ceremony.  We received certificates, spoke a bit, ate, and just had a great time together.  We had lots of fun.  We didn't see any mountain lions or bears, but we were looking :)

Afterwards we went to Golden with Ryan, Sarah and the boys.  We had a great time, and lots of tired laughter.  It was great!  Sarah gets really loopy when she's tired. 

This morning we took some of our new friends to the airport.  It was a bit sad but great.  God is working in all of our lives.  I look forward to hear what the Lord is going to do in Tajikistan, Turkey, Michigan, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, and London.  It is so great that the Lord wants to use such ordinary people for His extraordinary work. Please pray for the harvest in these places.  I'm sure there are harvesters in the harvest.

Shameless plug: if you get the opportunity to go to SIMS, or another conference that is hosted by Georges Houssney, you need to go.  Yes, that means you too.  It went above and beyond my expectations, and now has become a spiritual marker for me. 

Anyway, we are now in Dodge City, Kansas.  Russell was right.  It was the most boring drive of my life! Nothing to see.  The Great Plains are pretty plain.  We are with Erline's family until Thursday.

If I haven't said it enough, thank you again for your prayer and support.  We would not have been able to go to Boulder, nor Kansas without your prayer and support.  We greatly appreciate it.  We love you and are so thankful for you all.

We will be back next Friday, which means that work starts that following Monday.  I hope the days pass by slowly:)

Thursday, August 2, 2012


We learned today from Andre that we should focus on a first century model of missions.  The difference between the old model and the 1st Century model is that the approach most people use are like the Army style, while the 1st century is an insurgency model.  People take initiative, even though every detail is not spelled out.  Insurgents are generalist.  They do whatever needs to be done. 

People in an army mode do not move until orders are given, but our orders have already been given: GO!

Anyway, we are on our way to pearl street for the last time. We learned lots of practical things about evangelism, discipleship and church planting from Lee Bridges that hopefully we will put to use tonight. 

Tomorrow is the last day! It has been a worth-while journey.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Worn out Wednesday

The first thing Erline said this morning when she woke up was "I don't feel like learning anymore."  I think we are all feeling it now.  It hasn't been overwhelming, but we see the finish line.  I think most of us are just eager to put this stuff into practice.

Today has been great.  Something hit me this morning.  John 15:5 says "without me (Jesus) you can do nothing.  Luke 2:37 says with God nothing is impossible.  So with God, we can do anything!

We had a case study from what God is doing in Tunisia, which was encouraging.  God is at work all over the world.  We also learned many practical things from our final teacher about church planting, such as MAWL (model, assist, watch and launch) to get people moving and sharing the Gospel.  It is amazing how long we wait in the west to train people to share the Gospel with others.  Maybe it is our individualist thinking, which isn't all bad, but that we need to get to a certain level in our relationship with God before He can use us.  It didn't take very long for the Lord to use Paul.  We must encourage those we are discipling to do the work of the ministry as well.  They can reach those that we cannot reach ourselves. 

2 Timothy 2:2 And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust to faithful men, that they will be able to teach others also. 

Anyway, we will be hanging out with the Johnsons tonight.  By the way, I got a higher score than Erline in bowling last night, so that means she will be watching the Dark Knight Rises again with me.  I guess we're a little competitive :)

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Praise the Lord!

Yesterday, Erline gave a message about the armor of God.  She did a wonderful job on it.  I hope to use it and steal it from her one day :)  Today Blake spoke about boasting in our weaknesses.  We learned about ethnomusicology.  From psalm 150, we were able to see that all of the instruments that are used fulfill all the segments of ethnomusicology.  Basically, we can worship the Lord with anything! Praise the Lord also means to rejoice.

Music is so important because it is mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual.  The music we listen to is so important because of all of these elements.  We need to feed ourselves with the right music.

We then watched a debate that Georges was in with Jay Smith against two Muslim scholars.  It was cool to see that we could also tackle the arguments the Muslims brought up with truth.  We can all do this, we just need to be rooted in the Word of God.  The topic was salvation, and basically, the Muslim has no concept of Salvation outside of good works, which is the same as all other religions except for Christianity. 

One other thing that stuck out was something our last teacher said we should remember in missions: Don't ask what I can do, ask what needs to be done.  This basically means wherever we go, although God can use our strengths and talents and pass, we need to engage in what work needs to be done.  We gained lots of good insights about how to get from the believer to the church.

Well,  it is just about dinner time.  We are all going out bowling afterwards!  Should be fun.

Monday, July 30, 2012

The Last Monday

Today is the last Monday of the Sims training.  It has gone by so fast.  I am really thankful for everything that God has been doing in our lives through this, and encouraged about the future, not just ours, but in all the people we have met and the ministries the Lord has and is giving them.

This week, the focus is on discipleship and church planting.  There are three stages of training.  1.  Receiving food, helping them to feed themselves, and then teaching them to feed others.  Just as Jesus looked at the people and said the field is ripe for harvest.  He saw that among the harvest would be future harvesters.  This is how we must look at the Church, our small groups, and the people we are ministering to. 

We also learned about eastern discipleship, as in someone who is Muslim or from an eastern background.  It is important to be honest.  Suffering may come, and we cannot hide that.  Jesus didn't hide that at all.  Also, it is extremely important to be relational and share life with someone.  People need to see us live the Christian life, be encouraged to do so, then duplicate that in the lives of others.  This is what it means to make disciples. 

There was more role playing.  We saw Georges talk to Pierre (playing the role of a Muslim).  It was very helpful.  It is important to take control of the conversation, establish repore with them, and to leave room for mystery.  Georges asked if he really wanted to listen or just argue.  It is important to filter people who have ears to hear and ears to mock or to not listen.

Lastly, we are on co-mission with God.  The great commission (get it, co-mission) means that we are joining in what God is already doing.  It is a divine-human relationship.  We must work like it depends on us, and pray like it depends on God. 

Well, it's dinner time!  Gotta run. 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Olympic Thoughts

Last night, we watched the opening ceremony of the Olympics.  It was amazing to see, not only the lights and shows and excitement, but the part when all the countries came in.  Many countries I hadn't heard of, and wouldn't be able to tell you where it is on a map.  Others were familiar to me.  Some countries had high populations and oplympc participants, others had smaller numbers.

They all came in to the middle of the stadium.  It was beautiful to see.  It made me think of Heaven.

The Bible says that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord to the Glory of God. God wants every people group represented, which is why we must make disciples of all nations.

 I imagine every people group coming in, but not waiving their countries flag, but waving the banner of Jesus Christ.  There may be many from some countries, and few from others.  But every nation and tounge will be represented.  We will all gather around the throne and worship the Lord.  What a beautiful sight that will be!

Missions exists because worship doesn't.  The Lord is being so patient because He wants so many to be represented around His throne.  Unlike with the Olympics, we do not have to be professionals to participate.  We may need to work hard, to train, and to remain disciplined.  But above all, we must need to be willing to go.

Friday, July 27, 2012


This is a very early post, because we finished early today.  The day ended with an exam (open notes :) which was a good way to review all that we have been learning the past three weeks.  Emily, one of the other students, gave an excellent devotional this morning on prayer.  God answers prayer in extraordinary ways.  He answers the big prayers, and even the small ones.

After that, we had some more role playing, in which we had certain scenarios that we had to respond to.  We had our teaching from Tat Stewart a bit earlier today.  We learned about discipleship with Muslims, and practical things that can work for anyone.  For example, since most muslims come from a shame and honor culture, it is very hard for them to forgive.  They are used to sweeping things under the rug and just waiting a while to get over issues.  They may offer a gift, or out of the blue start talking in order to establish peace, without ever talking about the issue.  Actually, that sounds like most men.  Maybe it's not so foreign after all.

He said a quote that I thought was memorable. : Unforgiveness is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die.  

It is important to be transparent in discipleship, and also to approach it as a team instead of just a one-on-one discipleship.   We should also focus on the attributes of God in Bible study and discipleship.  The many attributes of God are usually not given much attention, and it is important to.  Another quote: Worship is not about singing, it is about knowing the God we are singing to. 

I am very encouraged by all we have been learning, but also ready for the weekend.  Last night went well.  Erline and I talked to an Indian couple, and were able to give them the Gospel of John.  They are from Kansas, and live in one of the places we will visit when we go.  Maybe the Lord has something more in store.  We'll see.

Well, now off to relax and watch the opening ceremony with the Johnsons!  Today is my dad's 50th birthday by the way.  I wish I was there with him, but I'm very happy to be here. 

Until next time...