Friday, July 27, 2012


This is a very early post, because we finished early today.  The day ended with an exam (open notes :) which was a good way to review all that we have been learning the past three weeks.  Emily, one of the other students, gave an excellent devotional this morning on prayer.  God answers prayer in extraordinary ways.  He answers the big prayers, and even the small ones.

After that, we had some more role playing, in which we had certain scenarios that we had to respond to.  We had our teaching from Tat Stewart a bit earlier today.  We learned about discipleship with Muslims, and practical things that can work for anyone.  For example, since most muslims come from a shame and honor culture, it is very hard for them to forgive.  They are used to sweeping things under the rug and just waiting a while to get over issues.  They may offer a gift, or out of the blue start talking in order to establish peace, without ever talking about the issue.  Actually, that sounds like most men.  Maybe it's not so foreign after all.

He said a quote that I thought was memorable. : Unforgiveness is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die.  

It is important to be transparent in discipleship, and also to approach it as a team instead of just a one-on-one discipleship.   We should also focus on the attributes of God in Bible study and discipleship.  The many attributes of God are usually not given much attention, and it is important to.  Another quote: Worship is not about singing, it is about knowing the God we are singing to. 

I am very encouraged by all we have been learning, but also ready for the weekend.  Last night went well.  Erline and I talked to an Indian couple, and were able to give them the Gospel of John.  They are from Kansas, and live in one of the places we will visit when we go.  Maybe the Lord has something more in store.  We'll see.

Well, now off to relax and watch the opening ceremony with the Johnsons!  Today is my dad's 50th birthday by the way.  I wish I was there with him, but I'm very happy to be here. 

Until next time...

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