Monday, July 30, 2012

The Last Monday

Today is the last Monday of the Sims training.  It has gone by so fast.  I am really thankful for everything that God has been doing in our lives through this, and encouraged about the future, not just ours, but in all the people we have met and the ministries the Lord has and is giving them.

This week, the focus is on discipleship and church planting.  There are three stages of training.  1.  Receiving food, helping them to feed themselves, and then teaching them to feed others.  Just as Jesus looked at the people and said the field is ripe for harvest.  He saw that among the harvest would be future harvesters.  This is how we must look at the Church, our small groups, and the people we are ministering to. 

We also learned about eastern discipleship, as in someone who is Muslim or from an eastern background.  It is important to be honest.  Suffering may come, and we cannot hide that.  Jesus didn't hide that at all.  Also, it is extremely important to be relational and share life with someone.  People need to see us live the Christian life, be encouraged to do so, then duplicate that in the lives of others.  This is what it means to make disciples. 

There was more role playing.  We saw Georges talk to Pierre (playing the role of a Muslim).  It was very helpful.  It is important to take control of the conversation, establish repore with them, and to leave room for mystery.  Georges asked if he really wanted to listen or just argue.  It is important to filter people who have ears to hear and ears to mock or to not listen.

Lastly, we are on co-mission with God.  The great commission (get it, co-mission) means that we are joining in what God is already doing.  It is a divine-human relationship.  We must work like it depends on us, and pray like it depends on God. 

Well, it's dinner time!  Gotta run. 

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