Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Praise the Lord!

Yesterday, Erline gave a message about the armor of God.  She did a wonderful job on it.  I hope to use it and steal it from her one day :)  Today Blake spoke about boasting in our weaknesses.  We learned about ethnomusicology.  From psalm 150, we were able to see that all of the instruments that are used fulfill all the segments of ethnomusicology.  Basically, we can worship the Lord with anything! Praise the Lord also means to rejoice.

Music is so important because it is mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual.  The music we listen to is so important because of all of these elements.  We need to feed ourselves with the right music.

We then watched a debate that Georges was in with Jay Smith against two Muslim scholars.  It was cool to see that we could also tackle the arguments the Muslims brought up with truth.  We can all do this, we just need to be rooted in the Word of God.  The topic was salvation, and basically, the Muslim has no concept of Salvation outside of good works, which is the same as all other religions except for Christianity. 

One other thing that stuck out was something our last teacher said we should remember in missions: Don't ask what I can do, ask what needs to be done.  This basically means wherever we go, although God can use our strengths and talents and pass, we need to engage in what work needs to be done.  We gained lots of good insights about how to get from the believer to the church.

Well,  it is just about dinner time.  We are all going out bowling afterwards!  Should be fun.

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