Saturday, July 14, 2012

A Full Experience

Yesterday, Erline wrote a very insightful post about what she has observed about the people in Boulder.  Her thoughts were spiritually insightful.  Sadly, something happened and the computer lost it.  I really hope she rewrites it.  She has a great perspective of the people here. 

We made it to the end of the first week.  We learned more yesterday.  It is very important to quantify things when talking to Muslims.  They do not have much of a concept of sin.  Their idea is more of Haram, which means forbidden.  Forbidden doesn't mean sin.  In fact, the things that are forbidden on earth are permissible in paradise (not Heaven, in fact God does not even dwell there).  Allah is not bound by anything, which means that in spite of good works outweighing the bad, there is no assurance of your salvation.  There is no hope.  I would argue that they do not even trust Allah, but sadly they trust the example of Muhammad, who himself was involved in countless sinful things.

It has been a great journey so far.  I'm looking forward to the Johnsons joining us at full strength, and so thankful that they are doing much better. 

This morning, we went to a farm.  Yes, a farm.  Georges Housney's son owns acres on a farm, plants, harvests, grows and sells from there.  He asked if we wanted to come and slaughter some chickens.  I reluctantly said yes.  We went with Jeanne, because afterwards we took her to the airport.  The other people in the class are somewhere in the mountains hiking and will be back Sunday.  Slaughtering chickens sounds better than that.

Under Russell's encouragement to get a full cultural experience, I participated in every aspect of taming the chicken.  I slit the throat of two, put them in steaming water to get the feathers off, pealed the feathers and cleaned them, cut them open and gutted the insides.  I even captured one from a small hen to lead to its slaughter.  It was a blast!  Their method of killing is very kosher, by the way, and the chicken do not eat any hormones or antibiotics.  It's good to know what you are eating.  

If this bothers you, don't worry...Chick Fil A is closed on Sundays anyway. :)


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