Tuesday, July 24, 2012

God goes before us

This morning I was privileged to do the morning devotional.  It was called "John the Baptist: The Jesus Driven Life."  I think it went well.  I hope it encouraged them.

Andre taught us about contextualization.  This is very important that we have a Biblical view of this.  Contextualization is fine, as long as it does not change theology.  Our approach in missions needs to be Christ centered, not culture centered.  For example, some who air on the side of the C6 spectrum basically are telling Muslims who come to Christ to remain Muslims.  The whole C1-C6 spectrum is based on a broken model.  It is really compliated.  Those who took the Perspectives class have heard of this.  It is important to make a Biblically informed decision instead of culturally informed.  Christ transcends culture.

We did some role playing about talking to Muslims with Georges' other son, Pierre.  That was fun and interesting.  It is important to have a diagnostic approach when approaching anyone, including Muslims.  They are more diverse than we think.

Lastly, we had more teaching from Tat Stewart.  He spoke of the many ministries that the Lord uses to reach Muslims, suuch as planting the seed of the Word of God, prayer, Christian witness, etc.  He also talked about the means that the Lord has used to draw Muslims to Him, such as dispersing Muslims out of their home countries, disillusionment with Islam, suffering, etc.  God is also using dreams.  When we approach any person, ministry, or situation, we need to know that God has already gone before us. 

In between all of that, it has been fun connecting with people.  I even got to throw water balloons at Rylan (they were in swim gear, and really enjoyed it).  God has really blessed us by bringing us here, especially for the month.  I didn't know if we could even go, but once again, the Lord went before us and placed it on your heart to give or pray.  I can't express how much that means to us.  We are still early on in this process, but we trust that the Lord is already going before us. 


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