Monday, July 23, 2012


Today started the third week.  Time is going by pretty quickly.  We had an awesome weekend.  Lots of fun and lots of laughs with the Johnsons.  We went to the farm saturaday morning, and helped Andre with his turned over tractor, and we put two tons of feed into whatever you call the giant feeder.  Literally two ton.  We ate with them, then went to Eldorado Springs.  We actually went to the mountains area.  My crazy wife and crazy friend got into the water completely.  Then we had burgers at the RV camp.

Sunday we went to church, then lunch.  Then Ryan and I saw the Dark Knight rises, and then I saw the Dark Knight rises again with Erline.  Yes, I'm a bit of a fan. 

We learned a lot today, but it seems like a bit of a blur.  I've had a lot on my mind lately.  Only twice in my life I've made a list of questions I have for God.  It's usually questions about the future.  I made a list last summer in Peru, and today I made another one.  It is great to look back at that list from last year and see that God has answered all of those questions.  He will do the same with my new list, not in my timing, but when He wants.  I look forward to seeing that.

Jesus had a three-fold ministry: Teaching, preaching, and healing.  The best model for ministry is Jesus.  Other sources may be good, but Jesus laid out everything in His three year ministry.

Our new speaker this week is Tat Stewart.  His focus is on evangelism.  We learned about things that God wants us to have in order to use us. 

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