Monday, July 9, 2012

Hymns and His Love

                Erline and I woke up this morning and went to the gym! We never do that! I hope we can keep it up.  Today we started the training.  Ryan and I were asked (because Erline through us under the bus) to lead worship.  That was fine, but they were singing out of a hymnal.  I should really learn some hymns.  I can probably count the number of hymns I know on one hand, but would be unsuccessful at it because I don’t know most of their names.  So instead we sung How great is our God.  It went well, but the pianist (bless her heart) played it faster than I ever heard it.  It sounded more like a rap.  The looks of our faces were priceless. 
                Our sessions were informative.  One was striking.  We learned about the reactions that many Christians have towards Muslims.  These are either of Fear, fury or fascination.  Neither is Biblical, and neither will help them come to Christ.  I discovered that my fear was not of something happening to me or Erline, but of offending someone in a conversation.  I have given that to the Lord.  As 1 john 4:18 says, there is no fear in love, but perfect love casts away fear.  Jesus has perfect love.  If I lead with His love, I have no reason to fear anything. 
                Fear also leads to secrecy, as in being secretive about our faith, or attempting to be a silent witness.  Where would I be if people were silent with me?  Instead, with the Love of God, it should lead us to boldness, being confident in the Lord for whatever His will is. 
We also learned, which we should already know, that the Bible should be our filter.  In missiology, many times the culture or other experiences become the filter in which we look at and approach people groups.  The Bible should be.  If we believe that God has chosen to reveal Himself to us through His Word, and that His word is inspired and inerrant, our actions should show it.  My actions should show it. 
                Other things were interesting as well.  For instance, we learned that Muhammad has been exalted to the place of an idol in Islam.  They pretty much worship him as God, since they believe God cannot be known, and wants nothing to do with us.  I’m so thankful that He can be known through Jesus Christ, and He wants to be known.  It has been great to meet the people part of the conference.  Many know where the Lord is leading them.  Some are unsure, but all want to be used by God.  There are other college students living here too.  Living here will give us a full experience. 
                On another funny note, Georges Housney led us in singing a hymn at the end of our meeting.  Everyone jumped right in, with the exception of 3 out of the 4 IBBers.  I’m sure you can guess which one of us knew it. 


  1. Tony and Erline,
    It is so great to hear from you. Keep writing. It is awesome to hear of your perspective and what you are learning. We love you and are praying for you.

    Mateo and Raquel

  2. Thanks Mateo. We love you guys too. I am praying for you guys as well
