Wednesday, July 25, 2012

God does the impossible

Ryan did the devotional this morning.  What stuck out to me was a question: do I trust in God to do the impossible?  I do.  And now that I think about it, I'm sure He is testing me on that as I write this.

We learned about folk Islam this morning.  Islam is so complex.  There's a lot of mystycism, veneration of saints, and other things that we would not expect.  Also in Islam, Allah is nowhere.  He is not even good.  He does good and evil, and is even manipulative and decieving. 

A young lady from Saudi Arabia gave her testimony after that.  It was very encouraging.  Her parents basically told her that they are dead to her for becomeing a Christian.  Her mom is coming around, and the dad loves to skype with the grandbaby. 

Later on, we learned from Tat again.  He spoke of the importance of being relational with Muslims, but being open and clear about our faith.  It is easy to be relational, and expect them to ask about Jesus, but we need to also be up front about our faith in Jesus, while loving them in sincerity all the way through.  We should get them to taste and see that the Lord is good.

Also, we need to trust the work of the Holy Spirit to move in the heart and mind.  In the end, it is He who will draw them to Jesus, and regenerate them.

As another speaker said this morning, when we recognize the depths of our own sin, it is easier to have compassion towards others.

Dinner will be starting soon.  I'm looking forward to it :)


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