Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Lord is with us

This morning during one session we learned about boldness.  It was more of a devotional then teaching time, but still very encouraging.  In our breakout group before lunch, one of the other guys talked about taking risks.  He said risk taking keeps us from being bold because we are afraid of failing.  I can relate to that.  Sometimes I am timid because I am afraid of the possible response.  I even fear our future sometimes because I don't know the steps in between.  I think people will think that I am crazy, or making bad decisions.  This matters because it is not just about me, it is about Erline and our future family (don't worry...that wasn't a hint about anything...just thinking long term.)  It will be much easier to just say no.

I remember hearing on the radio once during a sermon that James Mcdonald gave about a man who wanted to be a missionary.  He felt called in such a big way.  He was the first missionary their church was sending out.  He raised his support, and was on his way.  They had a big going away celebration at his church, in which he was showered with love.  He then went to the airport. 

That evening, they had another service at the church, and to their surprise, the missionary was there.  When he was asked about why he was back at the church, he said "today I realized how much people care about me here at this church.  I can't leave." 

The Lord is with us.  There may be hardships, people who disagree, doubts or fears along the way, but the Lord is with us.  He goes before us, with us, and behind us.  It is encouraging to know that others may have some of the same fears, but seeing that the Lord is with them. 

The ending session was John Gilchrist about apologetics.  We learned so much about how the Qur'an tries to deny Jesus, but through some passages, it actually affirms His deity.  These passages can be good stepping points to lead Muslims to read the true word of God to see the truth. 

We even learned about all of the scholarly attempts to try to deny Jesus' deity, resurrection, death on the cross, etc.  Sometimes it seems like, man, why do so many people hate Jesus?  Why do people deny Him so fervently?  Well, He said that this would happen. He said that people would hate Him (John 15:18).  He said that He brought a sword that would divide.  We should expect this.  People are fine with anything in an attempt to be accepting and "open minded" except for Jesus.  Why?  Because accepting all that Jesus said He was, said that He did, and said that He would requires a response: deny Jesus or deny yourself.  It is easier for most to deny Jesus.

Erline and I, along with some others, are going to go to Andre's farm tonight.  We are not going to slaughter this time, but to enjoy the fruit of our labor :)

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