Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday, Monday, Monday

It was a great Sunday being with Ryan, Sarah and the boys.  I'm so glad that things are back to normal.  Erline and Sarah took the boys to the pool while I helped Ryan with the septic tank of the trailer, and then had good conversation after.  We then had pizza hut for dinner and lots of laughs.  It's been good to laugh after the last few days.

Today we started the second week of classes.  We learned a lot today, well just like everyday.  This morning's devotion was encouraging as usual.  I'm really glad that they care about us spiritually as opposed to just trying to fill us up with information.  We learned from Andre Housney (the one with the farm) about typology.  For example, Moses is a type of Christ.  There are so many explanations to why this is the case.  It's amazing how detailed the Lord is.  The one that blew me away was Gen. 3:21-24 and Rev. 22:13-14 (read it!).  God is into the details. 

We then learned about the Student Volunteer Movement about these young people who helped to change the face of missions.  Our group is filled with young people who desire to see the nations reached with the Gospel.  Some are in college.  Others are married, and one couple has three crazy boys.  God is using us to do great things in His name. 

Our guest speaker this week is John Gilchrist.  He teaches about apologetics.  We learned a lot.  It was much to process.  Did you know that there are Muslim apologists?  Yeah, I didn't know that either.  It's amazing the deception they are under.  The speaker was very adamant on using the Bible to interpret the Bible, instead of going to so many outside sources.  The Bible speaks for itself. 

In the evening, we had a time of prayer.  We prayed for each other, the countries we are going to, etc.  It was a great time of prayer and unity. 

By the way, I beat Erline in ping pong twice today, and twice the other day.  Doesn't seem like a big deal, but that means that I've only beat her four times...ever!

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